Our Facilities

Learning More

As you would expect from any school, we have a wide range of facilities available to our students.  If you are a parent, or prospective parent, looking to learn more about our environment and the opportunities we can offer students then we suggest booking a tour of our site, which you can do by contacting Mrs K Wigley at [email protected].

Community Use

When not in use by our students our facilities are available for the wider community to hire, either regularly or for one-off bookings. We host netball, basketball, football, and table tennis teams as well as dance, art, music, and theatre groups.

Some of our more popular facilities to hire are our Sports Hall, Netball Courts, Astro-Turf, Theatre, and Dance Studio – but we also hire out classrooms, meeting rooms and our sports pitches.  If you need it but are not sure if we will have it – please do ask.

If you are interested in booking any of our facilities please telephone School Finance on 01905 746 802 to check availability and prices.

Enquiries and bookings about the Astro-turf pitch should be made directly to The King’s School by e-mail to [email protected] or by phone to 01905 721 727.

Hiring - Important Information

Lettings are only made to community groups and individuals, not commercial enterprises.

Hirers must have their own public liability insurance.  If not we are able to arrange it for a small fee.

We do not accept bookings for parties.

Hirers must be aware that school events take priority over bookings.  Whilst every effort is made to ensure that external bookings do not clash with school events, there may be occasion to cancel a booking due to an unexpected school function.


Mr S Carter

Estates and Facilities Manager

Mr M Finch

Site Team

Mr A Smith

Site Team