

For ease of access we have combined all general information relating to Covid-19 on this page. In some cases the information will just be held on this page, and in others this page will link elsewhere on our site – for example, to the information on Year 11 Teacher Assessed Grades.

Please note that, as required, we do communicate with parents regarding the current situation at any point in time. All correspondence can be accessed through our Letters page, available by clicking here, and you are able to search the communications by keyword. 

Consent for On-Site Testing

We are only able to allow students for whom we have received parental consent to take a Covid-19 LFD test on our site.

Should you wish to give, or revoke, your consent to a student receiving a Covid-19 LFD test on our site you may do so by accessing an online form, available by clicking here. You may also request a paper copy of the consent form from our reception by either visiting our site or calling (01905) 746 800.

This consent is not applicable to any tests that students may take outside of the school environment.

Student Vaccinations

We hosted Vaccinations UK on the 10th November 2021, who offered first Covid-19 vaccinations to all students who had received parental consent and also consented themselves to receiving the vaccination on the day.

At this time we are not aware of any plan for Vaccinations UK to either offer a catch-up session or to visit our school to offer the second dose to students.

A letter from Vaccinations UK giving details on how students who were unable to receive their vaccination in school can still access a vaccination is available on our letters page, and was sent to parents/carers on the 11th November.

Mental Health Support

Should any of our students find their mental health is being adversely affected by the current situation we ask that in the first instance this is reported to the staff at the school. We have a number of trained Mental Health first aiders, as well as our Pastoral and Safeguarding teams, and are also able to signpost appropriate external support that is available to students.

Should for any reason a student feel unable to speak to any staff member regarding their mental health, there is a free support service available called Kooth, available online by clicking here.

Remote Learning Provision

During the lockdown periods we offered students a mix of live video lessons and recorded lessons (voiced over powerpoints), with tasks being set in and around these. These were all managed through Microsoft Teams.

Following our full reopening teaching staff continue to upload lessons and work to Microsoft Teams for those students who are isolating or otherwise unable to join us in school. We are however not able to offer video lessons to those students.

A guide to accessing Microsoft Teams is available from the documents at the end of this page. Please note that our own website (the first image in the document) has since been updated, but a link to Office can be found under the “Parents + Students” menu option above and the under “Student Links”, or by clicking here.

Should any student be unable access their school e-mail account (and thus be unable to access Teams) please contact our IT Support, by e-mail to [email protected] or by calling our reception on (01905) 746 800.

Summer School

Our Summer School ran from 9th August 2021 until 13th August 2021.

The Risk Assessment used for the Summer School is available to access from the documents at the end of this page, along with the final report on the Summer School. 

Teacher Assessed Grades (Summer 2021)

The full set of documents relating to the Teacher Assessed Grades in Summer 2021 are available on a dedicated page, accessed through the “Our Curriciulum” menu option above, or by clicking here.

Should you require information regarding the Summer 2020 series of examinations, this has now been archived from our website to avoid confusion but can be requested by contacting Mr M Ford by e-mail to [email protected] 

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium

Our Covid-19 Catch-up Premium Report, giving details of the funding we received and how we have used it for the benefit of our pupils, is available to access from the documents below.

Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Our latest Covid-19 Risk Assessment is available to access from the documents below.

Covid-19 Documentation

Code Description Version Published Review
COV-01 Covid-19 Risk Assessment 1.1 January 2021
COV-02 Remote Learning Provision – Parent Information 1 January 2021
COV-03 Remote Learning Provision – Student Information 1 January 2021
COV-04 Information regarding March Reopening 1 March 2021
COV-05 Teams Helpsheet for Students 1.0 April 2020
COVREP-01 Covid-19 Catch Up Premium Report 2020 September 2020
SUM-01 Covid-19 Summer School Risk Assessment 1.0 August 2021
SUM-02 Covid-19 Summer School Report 1.0 September 2021