
Our Statement

At Bishop Perowne Church of England College we seek academic excellence for all of our students, within the context of a caring and mutually supportive partnership between school and community. For this vision to be realised, it is essential that students, staff, governors and parents recognise that bullying is not acceptable.

All members of The Bishop Perowne community accept responsibility for dealing with and minimising the impact of bullying, and supporting people who have been affected by bullying.

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

As part of our commitment to ensuring that students take significant ownership in tackling and eradicating bullying behaviour, we have appointed and trained Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who are available at break and lunchtimes in The SEN Hub to discuss and report bullying behaviour.

The Ambassadors do not resolve bullying alone, but consult with members of the Pastoral Team.

Students can drop in to see an Anti-bullying Ambassador to play games or socialise in a safe place.

Similar systems have been extremely effective in other high performing schools nationally.

Why should I report bullying?

Bullying is unacceptable behaviour. It is not right that one person makes another feel uncomfortable.

Being the recipient of bullying can either bring on or exacerbate depression, anxiety, eating disorders and many other problems.

Being bullied can make people feel isolated, withdrawn, humiliated, upset, angry, frustrated or even feel like they want to self-harm.

Types of bullying

Physical: When someone pushes you, hits you or harms you in any way physically.

Verbal: Using insults and offensive nicknames.

Social: Leaving someone out to spite them, starting or spreading rumours, damaging a person’s reputation. This can be offline, online, or both.

Cyber-bullying: Targeted bullying over social networks,  websites, apps, e-mail and phone.

Sexual: Unwanted sexual advances and pressure, sexting, spreading rumours of a sexual nature.

Discrimination: Commenting on, or criticising someone for, something beyond their control, whether their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, hair colour or something else.

How to report bullying

Report bullying immediately to a member of staff. This member of staff will support the student in the first instance, but will then most likely refer the matter to the relevant Head of Year or Pastoral Manager. They will then take ownership of the investigation, actions, sanctions (if appropriate), and follow up with parents and students.

You can also report bullying using the form below:

Useful Links