Careers Information, Advice, and Guidance
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) forms an integral part of student life at Bishop Perowne. Our careers strategy feeds into our pastoral work and the planning and implementation of both our Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four Curriculum.
As well as the CEIAG programme that all students experience in Years 7-11 there is also a bespoke targeted programme run for specific student groups, such as pupil premium, SEND, and those at risk of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). We encourage all students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers, whilst also considering the local labour market.
We use contacts with the world of work and further education to help students to understand where different choices can take them in the future. Each year group is given opportunities to engage with business through industry days, work experience, careers fairs, and classroom workshops.
Every department within the school has a Careers Champion and CEAIG links are fully embedded throughout our curriculum. Our Alumni are actively encouraged to discuss their careers and the routes they took to them during our success fairs. We are proud of our Gatsby Benchmark status, having so far fully achieved 7 of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
We work very closely with the Careers and Enterprise Company to ensure that our careers programme is the best available in the local area. We also work very closely with our Careers and Enterprise advisors to ensure a wide variety of enterprise activities are offered throughout the academic year.
One of the best ways to inspire and motivate current pupils about careers, information advice and guidance is for them to speak to ex Bishop Perowne students.
It may have been a while since you left Bishop Perowne but you will always be part of the Bishop Perowne family. I would ask you to “pledge” your support by talking about your highs and lows, what you would have done differently, your route into employment and about your career to date by any of the below:
- Sending us a short video or a blurb to transform into a PDF
- Virtual live video link with targeted student groups
- Attend a workshop in the College
If you feel you could dedicate your time we would love to hear from you and in return you will be helping to inspire students and support the education establishment that helped you in the past.
We would love to hear from any former students discussing their further education and subsequent employment, if you would like to be involved in letting us know your journey please contact
Mrs Reeve-Mckew: [email protected]
Don’t delay, get involved today, I can’t wait to hear about what you have been up to.
If you would like detailed information on apprenticeships then please use this link to access an informative You Tube video made by Kerry Davis our apprenticeship adviser:
Worcestershire Apprenticeships Parent/Student Webinar 2021
If you would like further information about apprenticeships then the Parents Pack (which is updated monthly) available on Amazing Apprenticeships is full of useful information.
An Apprenticeship is a job with training so you can earn while you learn and pick up recognised qualifications as you go. If you live in England, are over 16 and not in full time education you can apply.
They take between one and four years to complete and cover 1,400 job roles in a wide range of industries, from things like engineering to financial advice, veterinary nursing to accountancy.
Key Benefits:
- earn a salary
- get paid holidays
- receive training
- gain qualifications
- learn job-specific skills
Levels of Apprenticeship
There are 3 levels in England:
- Intermediate – equivalent to 5 GCSE passes
- Advanced – equivalent to 2 A level passes
- Higher Apprenticeships – lead to NVQ Level 4 or Foundation Degree
Pay and Holidays
You’ll be paid from the first day of your apprenticeship. The minimum wage for an apprentice is £4.30 per hour and applies to workers aged 16 to 18 and those aged 19 and over in the first year of their apprenticeship.
If you’re aged 19 or over and have completed the first year of your apprenticeship, you’ll be paid at least the National Minimum Wage rate for your age.
Apprentices get at least 20 days of holiday per year, plus bank holidays.
Apprenticeships can lead to:
- National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) at Level 2,3,4 or 5
- Functional Skills qualifications, eg in maths, English or ICT
- a technical certificate, such as a BTEC or City & Guilds Progression Award
- knowledge-based qualifications, such as a Higher National Certificate (HNC), a Higher National Diploma (HND) or a Foundation degree
How to apply
- Find out what you are interested in by talking through with your tutor or the Bishop Perowne Careers Adviser
- Visit the website at:
- Select the area of work you are interested in
- Check out the type of apprenticeship available in your area(s) of work
- Apply
Support with applying for an apprenticeship
At Bishop Perowne we work closely with Worcestershire Apprenticeships to ensure that you have the most up to date local apprenticeship information. If you would like support then you can be referred to Mrs Kerry Davis who can help you search and apply for Worcestershire apprenticeships.
Support with the costs of transport, clothing and tools
Those interested in applying for an apprenticeship can apply to get additional grants to support with he cost of transport, clothing and tools.
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s educations or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Bishop Perowne uses the Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide to plan our careers programme in collaboration with the Worcestershire Enterprise Careers Company and our Enterprise Advisors. As part of our commitment to informing students of the full range of employment, learning and training pathways on offer to them, we are happy to receive requests from training, apprenticeships, employers and vocational educational providers to speak to our students. At Bishop Perowne we are committed to ensuring that all Further Education providers within the local area are represented and are invited in to speak to our students as part of CEIAG programme.
We are particularly interested in hearing from providers in:
- Digital Skills Sector
- STEAM employers (science, technology, engineering, art and maths)
- Manufacturing, gaming, ICT and construction
- Health professions and social care.
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to our students, please refer to the school calendar for these events.
A provider wishing to request access should contact Victoria Reeve-McKew, Careers Lead:
Telephone 01905 746854
Email: [email protected]
Bishop Perowne welcomes feedback from parents, staff, pupils and employers on their whole careers strategy, if you would like to get in touch please contact Victoria Reeve-McKew on the above contact details.
Listed below are just some of the companies that work closely with Bishop Perowne to support the school in delivering its CIAG programme.
- Collins Aerospace: Redefining Aerospace
- E.ON Careers | Explore STEM jobs and apprenticeships | E.ON (
- BMW Group Apprenticeships (
- IMI Autocity
- Army Virtual Events And Careers Centre – British Army Jobs (
- Home | Advance your Wellbeing
- HOME (
- Home – arrangeMY
- Home – Aspens Services (
- Home | Avensys (
- Award winning Chartered Accountants, Business & Tax Advisors (
- Chris Green Media -Inspiring people to communicate better
- Home Page (
- Duke Austin and Company Limited
- Home – Energy & Utility Skills (
- Halesowen Accountants | GM&Co (
- HR Advice, HR Support, Employee Relations, Worcestershire, Midlands | Hill HR
- Contact Us – Liaison Group
- Home | Charles Lovell & Co
- Malvern Panalytical – Material Analysis and Biophysical Characterization Technology. | Malvern Panalytical
- Home – Marshall Structures Ltd Website
- Montel Civil Engineering | Infrastructure, Enabling, Highways and Industrial Civils
- Mount Pleasant Hotel | Luxury Georgian Hotel in the Malvern Hills
- NEOPERL: Your partner for plumbing components worldwide
- Architects & Designers | Masterplanners Engineers (
- Ocius Consulting — Making change work for you
- Payara Services Ltd – devoted to Open Source, Java, our customers and the community
- Phosters FM – Facilities management UK and nationwide
- Software Technology Solutions | Expert Software Services | Savient Ltd
- Severn Trent Water (
- Smile Education | Supply teaching agency based in the West Midlands (
- St. Modwen – Changing Places. Creating Better Futures. (
- St Richard’s Hospice – Caring, compassionate, committed & professional (
- VoIP Hereford – VoIP Worcester and Cloud, Traditional telephones (
- The Development Manager – Tech & Digital Apprenticeships
- The Surveillance Group | 0800 587 0170 | Market Leaders In UK Surveillance
- TigerTurf UKHome – TigerTurf UK
- Home – Worcester City Council
- Worcester Warriors – Official website of Worcester Warriors Rugby Club
- Home | YMCA Worcestershire
- Straight Talking HR – 30 years of experience in the world of HR
- New Build Homes | New Housing Developments | Lovell Homes
We are very keen to engage with businesses and employers to help us inform and educate students about the local and national employment opportunities.
This links directly with Gatsby Benchmark 5 – Encounters with Employers and Employees, and Gatsby Benchmark 6 – Experiences of Workplaces. We provide many opportunities for businesses to interact with students: Success Fairs, Dragons Den, Industry Speed Dating, Career Carousels, Employability Skills workshops, Careers Fairs, presentations, work experience, small group work etc.
If you would like to get involved, or wish to advertise any apprenticeship vacancies through the college, then please contact the Careers Lead on [email protected]
Megan Walters
Megan works for Southco within the technical engineering industry in the HR field.
“I’m Megan, the HRD Advisor at Southco Manufacturing and a new Enterprise Advisor! I love getting involved with helping students develop skills for their future careers and encouraging workplace connections throughout school with activities such as mock interviews, work placements and career fairs.”
CASCAID – A Parents’ Guide
Choices – A Guide for Parents
Post-16 Transport Information
Use the below link to discover what support is available to support you with transport costs to travel to further education:
School and college travel assistance | Worcestershire County Council
16-19 Bursary Fund
Students may be eligible for this bursary when they leave Bishop Perowne and go onto College or Sixth Form.
Please visit for more information.
Kings Sixth Form Bursary
Kings School offer a number of bursaries and scholarships to help with fees for their Sixth Form. Please see the link below:
Scholarships & Bursaries | Join | King’s Worcester (
Years 7 & 8
Students are introduced to the world of careers. They have the opportunity to start thinking about why a career is important, what types of jobs are out there and how they can be linked to hobbies and interests, and what types of skills they might need in the future. Students get to participate in a Success Fair in the Autumn Term where previous Alumni run a carousel workshop and students rotate around to discover industries, they are interested in. Also, during the Autumn Term students participate in Careers Week where all departments lead a subject specific careers lesson. In the Spring Term KS3 students have CIAG Education within their PSRE SofW and also their tutor time. They participate in a gender stereotyping event where students are challenged to think about traditional gender specific roles. In the Summer Term students are involved in Speed Dating where they interview different industries and employers about their job role. Year 7 and Year 8 will complete an annual visit to either the University of Birmingham or the University of Oxford.
Year 9
Students look at their GSCE options through parents evenings and option evening. Further education providers are also invited to this event to support students in their decision making. They also receive information, advice and guidance from all options subject teachers and all students are given the opportunity to speak to a member of staff about their choices. Those that are considered vulnerable are offered SLT bespoke support. Year 9 will meet local employers industries via a Dragons Den activity, The Big Bang Fair, Worcester Skills Show, NEC Skills show and the post 16 Fair.
Year 10
Students are introduced to the college application process and what is required of them in Year 11. They spend time working on their UCAS Personal Statement, and learn how to conduct themselves at an interview and how to construct a CV. College taster days provided students the opportunity to visit institutions and are strongly encouraged. Year 10 will participate in Mock Interviews with local employers, complete two visits for taster days at the local colleges, engage with the post 16 fair. Finally, students in Year 10 will complete Work Experience in the Summer Term.
Year 11
Students are able to meet local colleges to understand the various study pathways available to them. Student attend a Careers Fair where they have the opportunity to talk to local employers. This allows students to begin to see the possibilities in the local community well in advance of making their Post 16 choices. Students have the opportunity within PSHE to research their chosen career. Year 11 are also offered apprenticeship workshops as well as support in applying to college/ sixth form.
1:1 Careers Guidance meetings
Year 10 & 11 students can arrange a careers interview to ensure they have a clear plan for Post 16, which ensures students are supported as they move onto the next stage of their education.
Careers Activity Timetable
Speakers for Schools has been designed to inform all students about Employers and learn a little more about industries within our local, national and international communities.
Why not take a look at their upcoming schedules and take part…
- University League Tables 2023
- Oxbridge:
- Russell Group
Please find below a list of useful websites and resources which will help you to support your child’s careers decisions.
College Application Website
- : This website is used by students to apply to Post 16 colleges in Year 11.
Impartial Careers Guidance for Young People
- National Careers Service : or 0800 100 900
- : A UK-wide job search website, with Labour Market Information and Salary Stats information
- Informed Choices – Russell Group
Guidance for Parents
- : A website for parents and carers designed by an experienced, independent career development professional.
- : A website for parents and carers. The contributors to this website are experienced professionals in the field of careers guidance.
- SEND Moving On Booklet : A useful booklet for parents of students with additional needs, highlighting Post 16 options
- Post 16 Skills Plan
- Department of Education Careers Strategy
- Skills For Worcestershire
- Government Careers Strategy December 2017
- UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
- Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Worcestershire Apprenticeships
- HOW College
- Kidderminster College
- Warwickshire College Group
- Worcester University
Writing a Personal Statement
Form Tutors will support students in writing their personal statement for College Applications. This is the section of the application where students can really sell themselves.
Click on the document below for advice and examples on how to write your Personal Statement
Work Experience takes place on the 1st of July this year. Students are being supported to secure work experience placements. It is a requirement that all Year 10 students get a meanginful and purposeful work experience placement. If your son or daughter requires support for their work experience placement then please contact:
Additionally, many career areas are offering virtual work experience. If your child is interested in a career in veterinary or medicine please take the time to consider these placements as some university courses require the applicant to have a certain amount of logged work experience hours.,
Gatsby Benchmarks 3,4,5,7
In Year 7 students participate in careers week where all departments stand down the scheme of work and complete careers based lessons related to their subject (Gatsby Benchmark 4). Students also participate in the Success Fair where alumni come and speak to students about their careers and pathways (Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 5). As this is a carousel event all students get a choice over which of over 20 companies/ industries they wish to explore. Year 7 and 8 will also visit The University of Birmingham and the University of Oxford (Gatsby Benchmark 7) in order to raise aspirations. Later in the Year 7 students participate in a Gender Stereotyping event where students are challenged to think about traditional job roles for each gender and to challenge this thinking (Gatsby Benchmark 5 and 6). Finally, in the Summer Term students get to interview local Industries as part of a Speed Dating activity (Gatsby Benchmark 5 and 6). There is module around CIAG in both PSRE and Tutor time.
Gatsby Benchmarks 3,4,5,7
In Year 8 students participate in careers week where all departments stand down the scheme of work and complete careers-based lessons related to their subject (Gatsby Benchmark 4). Students also participate in the Success Fair where alumni come and speak to students about their careers and pathways (Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 5). As this is a carousel event all students get a choice over which of over 20 companies/ industries they wish to explore. Year 8 students have also had subject specific CIAG events such as the photographed visit from Worcester Warriors to all pupils in Year 8. Year 7 and 8 will also visit The University of Birmingham and the University of Oxford (Gatsby Benchmark 7) in order to raise aspirations. Later in the Year 8 students participate in a Gender Stereotyping event where students are challenged to think about traditional job roles for each gender and to challenge this thinking (Gatsby Benchmark 5 and 6). Finally, in the Summer Term students get to interview local Industries as part of a Speed Dating activity (Gatsby Benchmark 5 and 6). There is module around CIAG in both PSRE and Tutor time. Additionally, as students begin their option choices in Year 8 they are given the opportunity to meet Further Education providers at both Parents Evening and Options Evening (Gatsby Benchmark 7). Students who require additional support with making their options process are in receipt of a bespoke package from the Senior Leadership Team (Gatsby Benchmark 3).
Gatsby Benchmarks 2,3,5,7
In Year 9 students participate in a Dragons Den activity (Gatsby Benchmark 5) where they pitch their ideas to local industries and businesses. They also benefit from a visit from Medical Mavericks where they get to experience a variety of medical careers (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6). As students take their options in Year 9 they receive support at both parents evening and options evening from local further education providers so as to assist all students with making a decision about their curriculum (Gatsby Benchmarks 7). Throughout the year pupils will participate in the Big Bang Fair, Worcester Skills Show, NEC Skills show and the Post 16 Fair (Gatsby Benchmarks 5,6,7).
Gatsby Benchmarks 2,3,5,6,7
In Year 10 students participate in Mock Interviews with local industries (Gatsby Benchmark 5). Students are interviewed about their educational experiences and skill set. Year 10 also complete a weeks Work Experience and they will be supported by the CIAG team to secure a placement of interest to them (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6). In 2021 Work Experience was run virtually within school due to Covid restrictions being in place. At parents evening for Year 10 local further education providers are in attendance so as to discuss Post 16 options (Gatsby Benchmarks 7). In the Summer Term students participate in the Post 16 Fair (Gatsby Benchmarks 5,6,7).
Gatsby Benchmarks 2,3,5,6,7
In Year 11 the Autumn term is mainly focused on students participating in assemblies from all the local Further Education providers (Gatsby Benchmark 7). This is run on a rotation basis and ensures that Bishop Perowne is meeting the requirements of the Baker Clause. Year 11 also begin their one to one careers advisers appointments and these run throughout the year (Gatsby Benchmark 8). In the Spring Term students meet the National Citizenship Service and are supported in applying for the scheme. Bishop Perowne are proud to be Gold level for the number of students that participate in the National Citizenship scheme each year. In Year 11 are also supported via apprenticeship talks and workshops as well as CV writing and interview technique sessions with Uniconnect Gatsby Benchmark 7). Those that require additional support in applying for further education will receive support from their tutor or SENCO team (Gatsby Benchmark 3). During the Summer Term students are invited to attend additional workshops about post 18 choices including talks from the army and many higher apprenticeship providers (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6).
Careers Newletters

Mr P Holmes
Careers AdvisorMr P Holmes (PHO)
Positions Held
- Careers Advisor


Mrs V Reeve-Mckew
Assistant Headteacher (CIAG & Year 11 Attainment)Mrs V Reeve-Mckew (VRM)
Positions Held
- Assistant Headteacher (CIAG & Year 11 Attainment)
- Teacher of History
- History (Teacher)
