Year 9 Options

Year 9 Options

During the Summer term, Year Nine students embark on the process of choosing their options for Year Ten. At the end of Year Eight students each chose three option subjects to study in Year Nine. When they move from Year Nine into Year Ten, they will be able to choose four subjects (from the subjects they have been studying in Year 9) to take forward into the last two years of study towards their final qualifications. ​

​​At Bishop Perowne, students follow the EBacc (English Baccalaureate). This is a set of subjects which are nationally recognised as being academically challenging. These subjects are: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Humanities (History or Geography) and Languages (French or German). Students who achieve good passes at GCSE in all their EBacc subjects will be at an advantage when applying for college and university places and, eventually, jobs. ​

From Year 10, students will be completing: GCSEs, BTECs and Cambridge Nationals. GCSEs are qualifications where the full range of grades (from 9 to 1) are achievable. Other courses are equivalent to GCSEs but are vocational courses and may have a different grading structure e.g. Pass, Merit, Distinction. This means they often have more of a skills/employment focus. These courses are likely to have internally assessed coursework (NEAs) with deadlines throughout Year 10 and Year 11.

Year 10 Curriculum Hours

The table below outlines the amount of hours that are allocated to each subject/option per fortnight:

Curriculum Personalisation Booklet 2024

Lead Staff

Mrs R Smith

Deputy Headteacher, Quality of Education