Our Church School

Vision Statement

At Bishop Perowne, we do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but humbly count others more significant than ourselves. (Philippians 2:3). We are selfless, always considering the needs of others alongside our own. We recognise that, as God’s children, we are all diverse individuals made in the image of God. We celebrate and support this diversity by promoting our Christian values of compassion, integrity, resilience and respect. Our vision and values underpin everything that we do, and most especially the relationships which exist within our community, allowing all its members to flourish.

This vision statement was chosen in consultation with students, staff and governors. It is summarised simply as Celebrating Diversity. We believe that it underpins everything that we do and most especially the relationships which exist within our community, allowing all its members to flourish. We are proud to share this vision statement in all forms of communication and to display it around the school.


Accompanying our vision statement we have four core values:

  • Compassion
    Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32)
  • Respect
    Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)
  • Resilience
    Let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
  • Integrity
    Better is a poor person who walks in their integrity than a rich person who is crooked in their ways. (Proverbs 28:6)

As with the vision statement, these values were chosen in consultation with all members of our community. They are the values we believe best represent what is important in our school and they are upheld by staff and students on a daily basis. These values are familiar to all of our students and staff as they are displayed throughout the school and reference is made to them in a wide variety of contexts. They also form the basis for our behaviour and rewards systems.


Intrinsically linked to our core values is a shared understanding and awareness of the presence of spirituality throughout the life of our school and our wider community. At Bishop Perowne, spirituality is defined as ‘what gives life meaning’. This definition leaves all members of our community the space to reflect on how spirituality manifests itself on both an individual and a community level. Examples of learning linked with spirituality can be found throughout our curriculum and beyond.


All students take part in acts of collective worship each week, which are held in our school theatre. The themes for this worship are drawn from the gospels and are linked to our vision statement and core values. Students experience a range of different media during collective worship but are always invited to reflect and to pray. Tutors lead morning worship at the start of each day which is linked to the worship theme for the week. This provides the whole school community with an opportunity for some quiet and stillness before continuing with the school day.

At the end of each term, we hold Celebration Worship, mixing readings, prayers, live music and dance with a celebration of everything which has been achieved during the course of the term. At the end of the spring term, all students and staff are also invited to take part in worship in our parish church of St Barnabas.

In addition, the school community comes together for an Act of Remembrance each November and for the school’s Christmas Carol Service, held in St Barnabas. We also respond to national and international events such as the war in Ukraine and the death of Queen Elizabeth II by leading whole-school reflections and worship.


Bishop Perowne has a dedicated team of chaplains, led by Rev Sarah Northall who is the vicar of St Wulstan’s Warndon and priest in charge or St Barnabas Church. The chaplaincy team take an active role in leading our worship as well as in guiding and nurturing the spiritual life of the school on a wider basis. We also have close links with the Diocese of Worcester’s education team.

Spirituality and Worship Policy

The Bishop Perowne spirituality and worship policy, which expands on the information provided above can be found here.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

As a Church of England School, the work of Bishop Perowne is overseen and regularly inspected by SIAMS. The last inspection took place in July 2018, in which the school was graded as good overall with leadership and management graded as outstanding. The full SIAMS report can be read here.



