Religious Studies

Curriculum Intent

At Bishop Perowne the RE department intent is to provide our students with a high-quality curriculum that enables them to become religiously literate, and to engage with questions of meaning and purpose. Our curriculum supports the aims of the Worcestershire Locally Agreed Syllabus (2020) which are “to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.”

Curriculum Map
Key Stage 3

Year 7

In Year 7 students begin their study with the religions of Christianity, Sikhism and Islam. In the autumn term students study the topic of Trinity and Jesus using the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource; during the spring term students study the teachings of Guru Nanak and consider their importance for the Sikh community today; in the summer term students consider ‘What is good and what is challenging about being a teenage Muslim in Britain today?’. In each topic students are taught to identify core religious beliefs and concepts, to analyse sources of authority from within each tradition and identify how they are used and interpreted in the lives of believers. Students are taught to examine how and why beliefs are put into action, and to reflect on the beliefs and practices that they have studied. (Worcestershire Locally Agreed Syllabus, 2020).

Year 8

In Year 8 students continue their study of topics from the Worcestershire Locally Agreed Syllabus, 2020. Students return to their study of ‘Understanding Christianity’ with a topic on whether we still need prophets today and widen their knowledge of religion with a study of Buddhism. In the summer term students are introduced to philosophy and ethics through a study of morality – in this topic students will draw on all they have learnt about Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Buddhism throughout Year 7 and 8 to identify the impact of faith in everyday life. They compare religious views of morality to those of non-religious worldviews such as Humanism.

Year 9

In Year 9 students continue studying the Key Stage 3 Worcestershire Locally Agreed Syllabus in core RE. Students also can choose GCSE Religious Studies in Year 9. The core RE topics continue to build on the work done in Years 7 and 8 with further study of ‘Understanding Christianity’ and topics related to philosophy and ethics which enable students to comparatively study religious and non-religious worldviews.

Students who have opted for GCSE Religious Studies will begin their study of Christianity and Islam as part of the Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies Route A course. During the summer term students complete an enrichment topic based around the NATRE Spirited Arts Competition.

Key Stage 4

Year 10

All students continue their study of core RE in Year 10. From 2023 all students in Year 10 will study for the Eduqas Short Course GCSE in Religious Studies. Students study the beliefs and teachings of Christians and Muslims in their first year before going on to study topics related to philosophy and ethics in Year 11. 
Students who have opted for the full course GCSE in Religious Studies continue to study the Eduqas GCSE RS Route A course content. We focus on the development of the three key exam skills – describe, explain, and evaluate – students are given regular opportunities to practice these skills through class work, homework and in formal assessments throughout the year.

Year 11

Students complete their study of Religious Education through their Core RE programme in Year 11. Students use the skills and knowledge that they have developed throughout Years 7-10 to consider questions related to medical ethics, relationships, gender equality, and war and peace. Students studying GCSE RS complete all remaining topics for the GCSE course and have regular opportunities to practice what they have learnt in pre-public examinations (PPEs), in class work and homework.

Examinations and Assessment

Eduqas Religious Studies Route A

Students study three key components:

Component 1: Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World

This component covers four key areas: Issues of Relationships, Issues of Life and Death, Issues of Good and Evil and Issues of Human Rights.

It is examined through a 2-hour exam paper at the end of the course and is worth 50% of the final grade.

Component 2: Study of Christianity

This component covers key beliefs, teachings, and practices of Christianity. It is examined through a 1-hour exam paper at the end of the course and is worth 25% of the final grade.

Component 3: Study of Islam

This component covers key beliefs, teachings, and practices of Islam. It is examined through a 1-hour paper at the end of the course and is worth 25% of the final grade.

A link to course materials related to this GCSE can be found  here

Enrichment and Extra-curricular Opportunities

Year 7 – During the summer term students take part in an enrichment topic based around the NATRE Spirited Arts competition.

Year 8 – During the spring term students visit Worcester Cathedral to enrich their understanding of the importance of places of worship.

Year 10 – GCSE students take part in an enrichment trip to the Worcestershire GCSE Religious Studies Conference at Worcester Cathedral in the Spring term.

Year 11 Hub – Thursday 3pm-4pm

Subject Resources

Description Type
Religious Studies: Exam Board (Eduqas) Resources  External Link
Religious Studies: School Revision Guide  School PDF Document

Our Staff

Miss M Cutler


Mrs K Day


Mrs H Horovitz

Subject Leader

Mrs P Mason
