Mental Health – Well Aware

Well Aware - What is it?

Well Aware is Bishop Perowne’s student mental health service. We have a variety of services available to support students who are experiencing mental health problems. We work closely with a range of other services and can help direct you to the support you need. Well Aware is our Umbrella Service and may direct you to other services.

It is normal to feel down, anxious or stressed from time to time but if these feelings affect your daily activities, inside or outside of school, then you need to seek help. Telling someone how you feel, whether it is one of our mental health first aiders or a friend, may bring an immediate sense of relief. 

What should I look out for?

Signs of depression and anxiety include:

  • feeling low
  • feeling more anxious or agitated than usual
  • losing interest in life
  • losing motivation

Some people also:

  • put on or lose weight
  • stop caring about the way they look or about keeping clean
  • do too much work
  • have sleep problems
  • become withdrawn

What can you do to help?

There are a range of different things we do to help different people, depending on what is causing their mental health to suffer and what they need to help fix that. Examples of things we can, and do, offer are:

  • 1:1 Mental Health First Aid (Routine Appointments or Same Day Appointments for urgent issues).
  • Group Sessions focused on helping with stress.
  • Group Sessions focused on general well being.
  • Student Led Support, such as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
  • Referrals to local NHS mental health services such as CAMHS and “Reach for Well Being”.
  • Referrals to professionally qualified counsellors and the school nurse.
  • Parent Support Groups
  • Parent Advice Sessions
  • Mindfulness Sessions
  • Use Online services such as Kooth etc.
  • Limit your social media usage

How do I get help?

If you would like to see a member of the Well Aware team, please complete the form below:

Once we’ve had a referral we will assess it and make an appointment for you.

For more serious or longer lasting mental health symptoms we will contact your parents/carers and recommend that you see your GP.

Useful Links